Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Busy bee

Oh my...I'm so busy with this FELDA project. Working day and night and definitely over the weekend. I hate it but dah nama nye keje. Ada ke org suka keje dia? Hmmm

Ini baru project 3 bulan. Kalau buat PhD tah mcm mana. When people asked me when do I wanna do my phd I just smiled and said penat buat MBA pon tak hilang lagi....

Back to work.

Monday, May 14, 2012

So much worries

I've been busy with the FELDA project since April and had been worrying what if I have to go for field works. My EBM stocks in the freezer will only last a few days if I were to leave Emran home.

1 day Emran drinks max 16 oz of EBM
1 day I can only produce max 16.

Mcm mana nak increase stock......sekali pump habis the next day....huhu...

Anyway, tiba masanya for me to go abroad for the FELDA project. End of this month me and my colleague are going to Geneva, Switzerland. it's a few weeks away and I did hope to stock up. Luckily hubs suggested to bring Emran and my mom along. So problem solved!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Almost 5 oz!!!

I went to The Curve to have lunch with my friend and forgot to bring my electric pump. Tak sampai sejam I've started feeling susu nak turun (letdown). And guest when I got home how much did I get from one side? Ofcourse the other half Emran la minum. So drinking a lot really pays!!!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Mission to increase my EBM

I am starting to worry since the stock in my freezer is getting less and Emran is drinking more now. So this feeling is not helping at all!! Adehhh!

Been reading a lot about this actually. Mmg banyak akan promote milk boosters. Traditional ones and also prepared. I've tried both. Below are the list of stuff that I've tried.

1. Joy Angel Nursing Tea
One of the cheapest and the taste is not too bad. Tapi still rasa fenugreek jugak (jintan). I drank a lot sbb 1 sachet letak dalam 1 jug. Siap refill lagi. Kat label ckp 1 cup je. However I did feel increase in the milk quantity.

My rating: 6/10

2. Daun Moringa

In Malay they call it daun turi and usually used in cookings such as masak lemak. So my mom said the playground near our house has a moringae tree. We plucked a few twigs and kukus. I ate as ulam with nasi. Kadang kukus with salmon. Rasa dia ada hint of slight bitter, kelat pon ada. Mainly rasa ulam yg dikukusla.
Milk supply mmg increase.

My rating 8/10.

3. GNC's Fenugreek
The price at any GNC outlet is around rm60+. But if u have a friend working there, you may ask for their staff price. Discreetly ofcourse as they are entitle for 50% discount! For those yg tak larat nak minum nursing tea or milk boosting teas boleh la makan fenugreek pills ni. Milk supply ada gak increase but so so la. Some said bau badan kuat but I tak perasan pulak. Hubs didn't complaint.

My rating 6.5/10

4. Drinking plenty of liquid ie plain boiled water, fresh milk

This is definitely the ultimate solution if you are having low supply or nak increase supply. Drinking lots and lots of water WILL make you produce more milk. Enuff said.

My rating: 10/10

5. Power Pumping
This method is also effective to increase my milk supply. I've done it several times at the office. I left the cones on both of my breasts through the whole pp session. Sometimes Ada gak letdown multiple times but ada yg sekali dua je. But as long as you are signaling the brain to produce more by leaving the pump on and off every 10 mins, insyaallah you'll have more milk. In my case, susu tak bertambah immediately. Sometimes it takes 4 days. Ada gak the next day dah start increasing.

My rating : 10/10

Apart from the list above, do not for to doa and have a positive mind :)


Note: I didn't try all at one go. Some I started during pantang. Some once awhile. But drinking lots of water and pumping yg kena maintain selalu buat ye.